Get an Instant Price Quote
for your
Custom PCB Assembly Prototype

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Find out more about our services and how our online quoting tool works
See how it works

Parts supplied by

  • Quick Turn PCB Quoting

    Take advantage of ADCOproto’s dynamic supply chain PCB capabilities.

  • Transparent costs

    We have the parts, quote materials, quote boards and PCB assembly costs instantly.

  • First-class quality

    World class electronic PCB assembly capability to get it right the first time.

  • Easy ordering process, free and quick delivery

    Get your quote ready in a matter of minutes and get delivered in 5, 10 or 15 days for free with UPS Ground.

  • Interactive BOM tool

    We find availability and price of your parts. You can use real-time search to find alternatives and save the BOM for later.

How does this turnkey quoting system work?

We have focused on the Bill of Materials as the key element in making a rapid delivery of circuitboard assemblies. Our application makes API calls to six component distributors to locate parts that are available and then selects the lowest price all done in real time. That said, it is looking for literal/exact matches to the BOM specification.

The impact of this is a need for clarification regarding "inexact matches". Our application will prompt you to make the necessary changes to your Bill of Materials to solve any issues. It will make multiple online searches as you develop possible supply alternatives. The end result is a Scrubbed and costed BOM showing any corrections needed to guarantee component availability.

See how it works

Our manufacturing process meets the highest standard

ADCOproto customers get the benefit of working with an experienced, reliable, electronics manufacturing services company. With over 40 years of company history serving a highly sophisticated customer base, we guarantee our workmanship.

Challenge us with your toughest design, we are confident you will be satisfied and become a long term customer!